Sex Education and Eugenic Genocide
Twelve years old was the first time I heard anything about sex in school. Now, Democrats talk with six year olds about their genitals, and we wonder why Democrats murdering babies and chop off children’s genitals, but we’re the extremists? Democrats are pro-chopping children’s genitals off, and then they call us Nazis? How much crack do these psychopaths smoke?
I just don’t see the need to talk about sex to a child who hasn’t gone through puberty, and I just don’t see the need to talk about sex to anyone’s child that is not your own. Why is sex education taught at school anyway? Why do we even have sex education? Dogs don’t need sexual education. Dolphins don’t need sex education. Somehow humankind can go to the moon, but we can’t figure out sex and need sex education? No, it’s indoctrination. It’s perversion. Notice how the teacher unions and Democratic Party are pro pedophiles and LGBTQ? Surprise, people who like to touch little kids have jobs where they talk to six year olds about their genitals. It’s sick.
The CIA had to drug everyone in the 60’s and 70’s in order to get people to go along with it. The CIA said it was everyone’s right to take drugs like the CIA says it’s our baby’s right to be aborted and our children genitals have the right to be chopped off, but don’t worry, they’re experts. Trust the experts. Trust the science. Science is real.
No, the entire point of sex education was, is, and will be mind-control, child rape, and genocide. Super sex drive leads to early puberty. Early puberty means earlier abortions. Why do these Democrat teach unions want twelve years olds having abortions without their parent’s knowledge? Why do these Democrat teachers and their unions want to talk about genitals with six year olds? Why do Democrat teachers and their unions want to hide the fact they’re talking about your child’s genitals at six years old? Why do these Democrat teachers and their unions want to chop off children’s genitals without their parents knowing? These people are sick.
They are teaching our sexualizing young children, so they [children] can be mind-controlled, sexually preyed upon, and killed by the sexual trauma and weaponized Stockholm syndrome by the Democrat teachers and their unions. Why is it so hard for people to see pedophiles became teachers and unionized, so they can’t get fired for talking about your six year old child’s genitals, and these teacher unions lobby Democrats to keep from being labeled sex offenders and to keep out of prison, which is why so many teachers are in Antifa and BLM? Why does Antifa defend pedophiles? Why does Antifa defend Drag Queen Story Time? Why are Democrats obsessed with talking to children about their genitals? These are sick, sick people.
Originally published in The Revolution: